With increasing popularity of digital INDIA, School / Institute require smart solutions that go beyond the capabilities of traditional methods. AFPMS is a business prerequisite these days as it will automate every academic process efficiently.

Information Management
Well-managed & non-redundant information about teachers, staff, students, and parents
Improved Decision Making
Automation of institute allows easy tracking and gives better insights of the data to institute management
Mitigate the Communication Gap
A healthy connection is the key to a good relationship

We provide features that allow administrators to automate recurring/tedious tasks, such as keeping records, storing data and streamlining academic processes

Smooth Admission Process
Track of the student’s entire registration process.
Academic Records
Easily maintained and securely stored student /faculty records
Leave management
Automates the leave request process, making it hassle-free for both the management and the employees
Inventory Maintenance
Online management of store and purchase details, determine the stationary stock level and get to know when to purchase new inventory.
Payroll Management
maintaining the payroll records for all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution.
Admission Enquiry
Never miss one again! Each and every will be recorded, responded and followed up to maximize student conversion
Time Table Management
Can be communicated to all students, parents and teachers by a single click
Examination Management
Conducting an examination is a hassle, which requires countless paperwork and laborious planning
Analytics / Reports
Easy visualization of complex data to reveal points of concern. Advanced analytical reports of Teachers, Students
Secured environment
The system has already assigned access levels avoiding you the trouble to do so for every user.
Ease of use
You don’t need to hire an IT team, anyone who knows how to use a keyboard and mouse is skilled for the job